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Group Exibition

30+ artists


Sarajevo, BiH

About the exhibition

(Bosanski ispod)

Manifesting Manifesto is a group exhibition of works by well-known, as well as (still) emerging artists, whose connection is not based in the content nor the formal similarities. They are conceptualised in unity by the fact that they represent the beginning (and extension) of the private collection of photographer and graphic designer Ajla Salkić.

As the works presented at this exhibition, in all their diversity, require and deserve much more than a few sentences, as much as fits into the usual introductory curatorial text, I pay attention to what led to this exhibition in general, as well as what actually begins with it. And that is a new vision of the contemporary art scene in B&H. Namely, the idea of ​​opening a private space, which looks more and more like a small gallery, to the (selected) public, is connected with the idea of ​​the Manifesto Gallery of Contemporary Arts. This gallery did not have its own space at the time of setting up this exhibition, but temporarily occupied every urban corner it reached for. That corner in this case was Ajla's home.

The title of the exhibition, on the one hand, reveals its goal: the common desire and wish for a new space for artistic activity, advocating the affirmation of young artists, and calling for alternative views of art. On the other hand, by playing with the concept that was coined and established in practice of new age philosophy - the so-called "Manifesting", it asks questions: how to make the above mentioned wish come true, how much community is needed in such a process and how can we (re)activate the wish.

At the beginning of her private art collection, Ajla, as an individual, expressed her support for the contemporary art scene. With her decision to show it to friends and art lovers, she began the process of affirming artistic voices that are still not heard loud enough. As one of the founders of the Manifesto Gallery, she has shown that true manifestation occurs through action, not contemplation.


Long live Ajla, long live Manifesto, long live all of us who believe that life without art is not, should not and can not be possible!




O izložbi 

Manifesting Manifesto je grupnaizložba radova afirmisanih i (još uvijek) neafirmisanih umjetnika i umjetnica, čija se povezanost ne ogleda ni na sadržajnom, ni na formalnom nivou. Oni su konceptualizirani u jedinstvo činjenicom da predstavljaju početak (i produžetak) privatne kolekcije fotografkinje i grafičke dizajnerice Ajle Salkić.

Kako radovi prikazani na ovoj izložbi, u svim svojim različitostima, zahtijevaju i zaslužuju puno više, od nekoliko rečenica, koliko stane u uobičajan uvodni kustoski tekst, pažnju posvećujem onome što je do ove izložbe uopšte dovelo, kao i onome što njome zapravo otpočinje. A to je jedna nova vizija savremene umjetničke scene. Naime, ideja da se privatni prostor, koji sve više liči na galeriju u malom, otvori za (probranu) javnost, biva spojena sa idejom o Galeriji savremenih umjetnosti Manifesto. Ova galerija nije imala vlastiti prostor u trenutku postavljanja ove izložbe, već je privremeno zaposjedala svaki urbani ćošak kojeg se dočepa. Taj ćošak u ovom slučaju predstavljao je Ajlin dom.

Naziv izložbe s jedne strane otkriva njen cilj: zajedničko priželjkivanje novog prostora za umjetničko djelovanje, zagovaranje afirmacije mladih umjetnika i umjetnica, te prizivanje alternativnih pogleda na umjetnost. S druge strane, poigravajući se sa pojmom koji je skovala i u praksi etablirala filozofija novog doba, tzv. “manifestingom”, postavlja pitanja: kako ostvariti želju, koliko je u takvom procesu potrebna zajednica i na koji je način možemo (re)aktivirati.

Ajla je začetkom svoje privatne kolekcije umjetnina, kao pojedinac iskazala svoju podršku savremenoj umjetničkoj sceni. Svojom odlukom da je pokaže prijateljima i ljubiteljima umjetnosti, otpočela je proces afirmacije umjetničkih glasova koji se još uvijek ne čuju dovoljno glasno. Kao jedna od osnivačica Galerije Manifesto, pokazala je da se pravi manifesting, dešava djelovanjem, a ne kontempliranjem.

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