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Steve Bates & ELMÆ

Event Type

Date & Time

Music Performance

June 15, 2024. @08:00p.m.


Despićeva 3

O događaju

(English below)​​

Galerija Manifesto sa zadovoljstvom najavljuje novo izdanje ManifestoLIVE programa u okviru kojeg će se predstaviti kanadski muzičar i umjetnik Steve Bates, te sarajevski multidisciplinirani umjetnik i DJELMÆ. ManifestoLIVE održat će se u subotu, 15. Juna 2024. godine s početkom u 20:00 sati. Ulaznice možete preuzeti u Galeriji Manifestu u periodu od 12:00 do 20:00 sati po cijeni od 10 KM.


Iako stilski oprečni, muzički izražaji Steve Batesa i ELMÆ ukorijenjeni su u istovjetnim porivima. S jedne strane, riječ je o nakani da se kroz eksperimentalne muzičko-performativne i audio-vizualne forme istražuju mogućnosti angažiranog. S druge strane, takva nakana neminovno vodi redefiniranju muzike kao umjetničkog medija, ali i propitivanju samog iskustva slušanja. 


Nadilazeći konvencionalne uzuse produciranja (elektronske muzike) Steve Bates uspostavlja žanrovski liminalan zvučni izričaj. Duboko ukorijenjen u post-hardcor-u, anarho punku i tehnologiji radija, Batesov opus obuhvata zvučne radove, instalacije i performanse. Kombinirajući ambijentalne tonove, zvučne arhive, audio zapise sa terena, zvukove frekvencija, te tonove nastale produkcijskim eksperimentima, Bates kreira muzikalne svjetove osjetljive na (političke) kontekste i društvene okolnosti. Insistiranje na aktivnom slušanju i imerzivnom svojstvu muzike tako omogućava uspostavljanje nefizičkih prostora za subverzivno umjetničko djelovanje, u kojima propitivanje tema poput političkih sloboda, dobija novu formu. 


ELMÆ u svojoj recentnijoj praksi redefinira vlastiti umjetnički izražaj, tretirajući muziku kao ekosistem baziran na tranžanrovskom prevođenju emotivnih stanja u zvučne komponente. Ciklus zvučnih rad pod nazivom E-motional landscapes, a koji će u okviru ManifestoLIVE-a doživjeti svoje prvo izvođenje u Sarajevu, već u svom imenu nagovještava antagonističku prirodu ELMÆovog izraza – fragilnost osjećaja sučeljena je sa subvertiranjem kapitalističkih načela muzičke industrije u (post)digitalnom dobu. Kombinirajući forme svojstvene eksperimentalnoj elektro muzici 90-ih (IDM) uz snažne basove, breakbeat, jungle i neurofunk, ELMÆ predstavlja kompleksnost i nepredvidivu dinamiku emotivnih stanja. 



About the Event

Manifesto Gallery is pleased to announce the new edition of the ManifestoLIVE program, which will present Canadian musician and artist Steve Bates and multidisciplinary artist and DJ ELMÆ from Sarajevo. ManifestoLIVE will take place on Saturday, June 15, 2024, starting at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are 10 KM and can be purchased at Manifest Gallery from 12:00 to 20:00.


Despite diverging styles, Steve Bates's and ELMÆ's musical expressions are rooted in the same impulses. On the one hand, they intend to explore the possibilities of socio-political engagement through experimental music, performance, and audio-visual arts. On the other hand, such an intention inevitably leads to the redefinition of music as an artistic medium and the questioning of the listening experience.


Steve Bates establishes a genre-liminal artistic style by transcending the conventions of music production. Deeply rooted in post-hardcore, anarcho-punk, and radio technology, Bates' opus includes sound works, installations, and performances, to name a few. By combining ambient tones, sound archives, audio recordings from the field, frequency sounds, and tones created by production experiments, Bates creates musical worlds sensitive to (political) contexts and social circumstances. Insisting on active listening and the immersive nature of music thus enables the establishment of non-physical spaces for subversive artistic activity, in which the questioning of topics such as political freedoms takes on a new form.


In their recent practice, ELMÆ redefines their artistic expression, treating music as an ecosystem based on a trans-genre translation of emotional states into sound components. The series of sound works called E-motional landscapes, which will be performed in Sarajevo for the first time, already in its name, hints at the antagonistic nature of ELMÆ's expression - the fragility of feelings is confronted with the subversion of the capitalist principles of the music industry in the (post)digital age. Combining forms characteristic of experimental electro music of the 90s (IDM) with strong basses,  breakbeat, jungle, and neurofunk, ELMÆ represents emotional states' complexity and unpredictable dynamics.


Sarajevo, 71 000

Despićeva 3

Bosnia and Herzegovina


+387 61 508 603

+387 62 570 919


Tue - Sat 12pm-8pm

Sunday 12pm-2pm

Monday - Not working


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